
Legislation is headed toward not being so hard on those caught with small amounts of marijuana. (PHOTO: Laugh Party) If an Illinois house bill passes soon, it will no longer be a criminal offense to possess less than 30 grams of pot. They say that’s enough for about ten joints, but I don’t know. It […]

The state of Colorado legalized-it all the way, and now the state is taking that decision all the way to the bank. Fourteen-mill’ in sales translates to a cool two-mill’ in tax revenue. How are they going to spend the money? Doesn’t look like they’ve decided yet. Monday’s tax release intensified lobbying over how Colorado […]

Border protection officers found 310 pounds of weed packed inside a shipment of carrots. The border patrol and Local U.S. Customs arrested a 29 year old United States citizen who was the driver. The incident took place in Otay Mesa located in San Diego, just north of the U.S.–Mexico border. Co-mingling in the boxes of […]

Police in Casper, Wyoming arrested Carly Marra and charged her with felony assault on a stuffed animal. During a domestic dispute, she snapped and repeatedly stabbed a teddy bear that was a gift from her boyfriend. The argument started over the boyfriend’s new girlfriend. Part of the arrest was possession of marijuana. Well, she may […]

Governor Pat. Quinn just signed the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act to legalize weed in Illinois for medical purposes. The bill covers 33 specific conditions including: multiple sclerosis, cancer and HIV infection. Weed is legal, but the Illinois laws are supposed to be the strictest in the country. This bill will not […]

A grow house right next to a crime lab? Interesting. I can’t even be mad at Scott Vucina,  Ryan Vucina, or Benjamin Harbert. It’s the last place I would’ve thought to look for a grow house. I’m mad cause they apparently told one person too many, then pissed that person off. After a two month […]

EUGENE Ore. – Fleeing men ripped open half-pound bags of marijuana and flung it out the window during a police chase. They did that like the cops weren’t gonna see pounds of dope flying past. Like it ain’t a camera running on the squad car. Like it wasn’t gonna still be enough weed scattered around […]

32-year-old Shawn Porter and a friend placed an order for “blunt and some herbs” at a Deltona Burger King Thursday night. Dude ended up in jail when the police where at his crib waiting for him when he got there. The cashier and her supervisor called five-O on him, and I think it was because […]

CHICAGO, IL – Five-oh executed a search warranty for a South Side store front and came up on 400 marijuana plants. Erwin Kupi, 35, of the 800 block of West 71st Street in the Englewood neighborhood, faces charges in connection with possessing more than 380 pounds of marijuana and producing more than 400 plants, according […]

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