
This cop’s performance is disturbing on so many levels. He took it upon himself to make a bad situation 100 times worse. I’ve rewound the video several times to try and see why he decided to go on a rampage and put the nearest black teenagers into custody.

The big, bad policeman was even macho enough to attack a teenage girl in a swimsuit. How did he expect everyone else around to act as he slammed her to the ground? Was he searching for a reason to pull a gun on a bunch of unarmed teenagers? Did he not expect those kids to run in that situation?

My skin crawled as I listened to the young men sit there and beg this asshole to allow them to leave. The cop felt like he had some authority as he stood over them and pointed down with his condescending ass finger.

The good news is that Levar Jones will live. The bad news is that former Trooper Sean Groubert made horrible mistake. Groubert pulled Jones over on suspicion of a “seatbelt violation.” Jones exited his car right before the cop asked him to see his license. Jones follows the officer’s instructions. The citizen grabs at his […]

Caught a clip of this on the news this morning. You can’t write comedy this good. This couldn’t have been planned any better. The part that makes it so, so funny is that he tries to play it off. Then, he has the nerve to try and grab an automatic weapon afterwards? Luckily, nobody else […]

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