National and Local News
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One day before his fourth wedding anniversary, Clinton Danner was ordered to be held on bond and charged with pimping his wife. Danner, of Rockford, Minn., was arrested Sunday at a downtown Chicago Holiday Inn, where he drove to confront his wife over the lack of money she had been making, Cook County Sheriff’s Police […]
Legend has it that as a 7-year-old boy, Augustus Tolton escaped slave hunters by rowing with his mother across the Mississippi River to the free state of Illinois. Tolton, who went on to become the first black Catholic priest in America, is now a candidate for sainthood, the Archdiocese of Chicago announced Wednesday. Cardinal Francis […]
Oh the pain. Two days before Thanksgiving last year, a Tennessee jailer ripped out an inmate’s grill after the inmate explained that the grill was permanently glued to his front teeth. Five-Oh then left the man in excruciating pain and did not seek medical attention for the man for over a week. Anthony McCoy spat […]
Imagine being in a Walmart store scooping up toilet tissue and toothpaste for your family and someone comes across the public address system and announces, “Attention Wal-Mart customers: All Black people leave the store now.” Most people in this country in this day and age would be shocked, and that was indeed the reaction from […]

2010 MAC Tournament Champions
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A police officer’s badge may have saved his life when it stopped a bullet during an exchange of gunfire in North Las Vegas. Police say the 31-year-old officer was patrolling just before 10 p.m. Saturday when he heard shots being fired in an apartment complex. While investigating, the officer came upon […]
South Side Girl
DES MOINES, Iowa – A 12-year-old boy was charged Friday with murder and other counts in a shooting that killed his stepfather and wounded a girl in Iowa. Authorities responded to a shooting Wednesday afternoon in Chariton, about 40 miles south of Des Moines. When they arrived at the white farmhouse south of town, they […]
This 1915 film was America’s first Hollywood blockbuster film. Originally released under the title “The Clansman,” this film showed white actors in black face taking over society, with society ultimately being saved by the Klu Klux Klan.
TUCUMCARI, N.M. (AP) — Tracks in the snow leading from a crashed car to the nearby bridge overpass on New Mexico’s I-40 just didn’t look right to officers.State police say that officers patrolling the stretch near Tucumcari Saturday found that 40-year-old Henry Alan of El Paso had lost control of his sedan and crashed into […]