National and Local News
Page: 13

Twenty-seven men up, twenty-seven men down!
LEXINGTON, KY – A three-day-old-child was carried from it’s home by the family dog, and later located in the woods. The child was upstairs in it’s crib, and the parents were downstairs when the dog carried the baby from the house. The baby was retrieved 150 yards from the house in the woods. The baby […]
Take the shackles off his feet, so he can dance!
Michael Vick’s sentence for his involvement with dog fighting is over. This bracelet if off, and he has paid his debt to society.
Now he will seek reinstatement to the NFL, and he will get reinstated. Then, he will unfortunately have to deal with a lot of hate.
“Dante Stallworth just got released after doing 24 days for MURDER, Brandy did no time after killing a man with her car, yet Vick gets years in jail for killing dogs (Tyrone).”
I just wanna say out loud one more time: Michael Vick has paid his dept to society. In comparison, he’s paid it and then some.
CHICAGO, IL – Two veteran Chicago police officers were shot Thursday afternoon after they burst into a Roseland apartment to execute a search warrant for drugs. The officers, both wounded in a lower leg, returned fire. The alleged gunman, 22, was taken into police custody uninjured, authorities said. The gunfight inside a second-floor apartment in […]
CHICAGO, IL – Who is this Willis character anyway?
The public renaming ceremony will be hosted by Willis Group Holdings. That’s the London-based insurance brokerage that secured the naming rights as part an agreement to lease 140,000 square feet of space. Willis has said it plans to bring hundreds of jobs to the city.
Oh, okay. An insurance company in London.
But how dare they change the name of the building without asking me first. I probably would have said no, but they could’ve at least asked.
I hope the City of Chicago and Mr. Willis don’t mind if I continue to call the building the Sears Tower. They will just have to deal with it like the people at that company called US Cellular. I’m about to go to Comiski Park to watch the game.
BRANCHVILLE, IN -Three inmates who escaped from southern Indiana’s Branchville Correctional Facility are considered dangerous. The inmates are identified as 49-year-old Christopher Marshall, who’s serving a 50-year sentence for dealing cocaine; 59-year-old Jerry Sargent, who’s serving a 50-year sentence for robbery and criminal confinement; and 31-year-old Bobby Cockerell, serving a 20-year sentence for burglary. Police […]
HARVEY, IL – A young man comes to visit the crib on furlough from the armed services, and gets killed by a stray bullet. Sanders joined the armed forces to help pay for Tennessee State. Family members feared he would get killed on duty, but are even more disappointed that his life ended while in […]
CHICAGO, IL -Six people were arrested on charges of illegally carrying guns and two others face charges of illegally carrying knives at the Taste of Chicago and in Grant Park on Friday, authorities said. Police said a 15-year-old boy was arrested with a shotgun after being spotted with it at Taste, while five other people […]