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Now that the dash-cam video has been released, taken down, and re-released again, the nation can see what happened. Just as suspected, another out of control cop escalated a situation that ended up way worse than it had to be.

Sandra Bland drove along the road minding her own business. A cop car quickly closed in on her out of nowhere. When Bland changed lanes in an effort to get out of the policeman’s way, the cop chose to pull her over for changing lanes without signalling.

This tactic is used often by policemen. Out of the blue, they roll up on you at top speed as if something is on fire. If one reacts to them abruptly, that gives them reason to question you, search you, or in this case pull you over. As an ultimate result, Bland was arrested. She was found dead in police custody days later in what medical examiners ruled a suicide.

This cop’s performance is disturbing on so many levels. He took it upon himself to make a bad situation 100 times worse. I’ve rewound the video several times to try and see why he decided to go on a rampage and put the nearest black teenagers into custody.

The big, bad policeman was even macho enough to attack a teenage girl in a swimsuit. How did he expect everyone else around to act as he slammed her to the ground? Was he searching for a reason to pull a gun on a bunch of unarmed teenagers? Did he not expect those kids to run in that situation?

My skin crawled as I listened to the young men sit there and beg this asshole to allow them to leave. The cop felt like he had some authority as he stood over them and pointed down with his condescending ass finger.

Method Man leaked a peak from his forthcoming album, The Meth Lab. The jam features Hanz On and Streetlife.

If this cut is any indication of the forthcoming album, then I can’t wait. This should be a treat and a half for Golden Era Hip-Hop fans. Without hearing it, I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict that there won’t be any over exaggerated singing on auto-tune going on. (Listen to audio)

Common is doing his thing after his Oscar win. Ice Cube posted a picture on Instagram from the set of the movie Barbershop 3.

Cube posses with Chicago’s own Common, Cedrick the Entertainer, and director Malcolm D. Lee.

The movie is targeted to be on the big screen on February 19, 2016. This adds to a string of upcoming movies for the Hip-Hop legend Common, which includes the supervillan movie Suicide Squad. Fellow Hip-Hop artist turned A-list actor Will Smith will also star in the supervillan movie.

Kionna Moret was arrested for being stupid, and she is also a bad parent.

Sometimes, I look at these situations and try to give the parent the benefit of the doubt. Neighbors and the media tend to overreact sometimes. That’s not the case this trip.

Moret elected to leave her 8-year-old son at home alone for two nights while she traveled out of state to kick it. A concerned neighbor call five-O.

Who will win? After years of anticipation, “The Main Event” has arrived. Tonight in Las Vegas Nevada, Floyd Mayweather goes against Manny Pacquiao in what many anticipate as being the greatest boxing match in a very long time.

Manny Pacquiao is one of the greatest fighters of all time. His legacy will be an awesome one, and he’s doing a nice job of portraying a good guy. He has the inside, hard-punching style that could possibly hand the undefeated Mayweather his first professional loss.

Arizona police state that a 2-year-old boy shot himself in the face with his father’s hand gun.

The child allegedly found the gun wrapped in bedsheets in the parents bedroom.

Sergeant Shari Howard reported the boy fired a round that entered his face and exited through his own head. Peoria Police Department have filed no criminal charges as of now.

The infant is in critical, but stable condition at a local children’s hospital. Doctors removed some of the child’s skull to help with swelling.

What a way to celebrate the 420 Holiday in Chicago, huh?

Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez will conduct a news conference to announce additional reform to the weed laws.

Her announcement falls on April 20th, which is considered by many as National Weed Day. Sounds like the perfect time to make such and announcement, but spokeswoman Sally Daly called it “pure coincidence.”

To sum up the latest reform, the States Attorney will no longer prosecute cases where people are caught with misdemeanor amounts of weed. Instead they will seek help for repeat, nonviolent offenders.

It has been confirmed that Johnny Kemp passed away. “Just Got Paid” was an enormous hit, and is an all time classic jam. Produced by Teddy Riley at a time when all he had to do was breath on a track and that would make it a hit. Kemp was 55 years old.

He was scheduled to be on the Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage cruise this weekend, however The Root got up on a statement from the company that handles the cruise, Rich Media.
Our condolences to Johnny Kemp’s family.

At least three zebras escaped from a ranch in Vilvoorde, and were spotted running through the streets of Brussels in Belgium. A student named Ludovic Bytebier caught them running through the streets on camera, straight up looking like those horses that escaped and trotted through the streets on the Nick at Nite sit-com Black Jesus. […]

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