Too Short Behind Bars for DUI

Written by on August 27, 2009

Hip-Hop legend Too Short was arrested today in Las Vegas for driving under the influence of alcohol.

This is Too Short’s second DUI in Las Vegas within the last three months.

According to law enforcement, Short — real name Todd Shaw — was arrested for DUI, possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, speeding and exhibition of power (burning rubber) by Las Vegas Metro Police at around 4:00 AM.

Vegas is mad fun to visit, but five-oh in that town lives to catch people J-walking, and/or drinking and driving.

It’s prolly a good idea to try to not to do too many things that will bring attention to yourself if you are carrying an ounce of weed. Ya know, things like burning rubber or doing doughnuts.

One should be especially careful if they already have a DUI that ain’t even three months old… but that’s just my opinion.

Cops say the 43-year-old is still behind bars.

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