Stuart Scott was as Cool as the Other Side of the Pillow

Written by on January 4, 2015

RIP Stuart ScottJuly 19, 1965 – January 4, 2015: No one has had a larger impact on the marriage of sports and the media than Muhammad Ali and Howard Cosell. The impression those two made will never be matched.

Stuart Scott, however, added his own two cents to the relationship between sports, the media, and broadcasting. He was arguably the first national broadcaster that listened to Hip-Hop music on a regular basis.

Scott’s presence made a mark on the sports channel and in broadcasting in general. Today, it is normal to hear “hip” things being said on ESPN and on all of TV for that matter. Stuart Scott helped open that door. We can forever call him butter, cause he was on a roll. Rest in Peace, brotha’. Boo-Yah!

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