Pizza Hut Employee Pees in the Sink

Written by on February 19, 2014

Pizza Hut pissWe take a big chance when we eat at a fast food restaurant. There is a certain amount of unspoken trust that goes into allowing someone else to prepare their food. One hopes that the people handling the food will properly wash their hands. Also, we trust that nobody will piss near the food or the tools that are used to prepare it.

An unnamed man was fired from Pizza Hut in Kermit, West Virginia after he was caught on video peeing in the sink. Yep, the nasty MF pulled out his thang and let loose in a sink located in the kitchen area. Then he runs about two drops of water in the sink behind it, like that was gonna wash it down and make it sanitary. To top it all off, not a drop of soap or water touched his hands when he finished. His nasty hands went directly for his coffee cup and right back to his computer. Let’s hope that he didn’t share a desk with anyone.

Check out the video below to experience the disbelief:
(Raw Video via Youtube)/em>


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