Damn, I hope Obama don’t pull the trigger on Syria. For real though. His election was supposed to bring a change to the way we have done things in the past. No way should we drop a couple of bombs on this country, then sit back and wait for another 9-11.
Think about it. We’re on the other side of the world telling another country how to run their business. True, what’s going on over there is fucked up, but no other country in the world has our back on this. Something should be done, but history has shown that blowing people up is not always the answer (Vietnam, Korea, Iraq).
Right now, the little guy kicks us in the nuts and runs every chance he gets. You know, by hijacking planes and slipping anthrax in the mail and shit. But, technology grows as time goes on. Another country may not have a nuclear bomb right now, but one day somebody’s gonna invent something that’s gonna be able to take us out right under our noses. The way we’ve rolled in the past makes the rest of the world’s mouth water at being able to one day put us in our place.
Do we really want to keep being the big bully on the block? On blocks that aren’t even in our neighborhood?
C’mon President Obama. There’s got to be another way. I’ve been down with all the effort you’ve put towards change thus far. This maybe the biggest opportunity yet.
Don’t let them dudes talk you into stepping all the way in with the military right now. Everybody knows that we can blow them up. There’s nothing to prove here. Find a different way because violence will only bring more violence.
If someone from the outside goes into their country and tries to flex, of course they are gonna fight back the best way they can. I know I would.
But when they do it, we call it “terrorism.”
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