Blind Man Fined After His Dog Takes A Boo-Boo

Written by on April 27, 2012

Ian Bradwell‘s guide dog pulled up and took a dump. Ian is legally blind and he didn’t see it. The police flew in outta nowhere and fined him. Dude pulled out his vision stick and told them he was blind, and they still fined him. I wasn’t there, but if he had a walking stick and a dog with a big-ass thick yellow collar, I would’ve given him the benefit of the doubt. Dude offered to pick it up, even though the blind aren’t required to do so in his neck of the woods. Dude says he called the city council and they still gave him the flux until he submitted written proof of being blind. Common sense lost this battle. Sheesh.

A blind man was fined by an overzealous park ranger for not cleaning up after his dog – even though he couldn’t see the mess.

Ian Bradwell, who is registered blind, was slapped with an £80 fixed penalty in Braunstone Park, Leicester, when his guide dog Iona went to the toilet.

But despite showing the warden his blind stick, he was still forced to pay up the on-the-spot fine.

And after phoning Leicester City Council to complain, he was told he still needed to provide them with documentation to prove he is blind – despite his guide dog and stick.

Ian, 46, from Leicester, Leics, blasted: “Having a guide dog, by implication, means you’ve got a visual impairment – but they still wanted to see further proof.

“I think it’s ludicrous. It all seems a bit silly and common sense is clearly lacking.”

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