Curt Schilling to join ESPN as analyst..
Written by The Go-To-Man Mattie T. on April 4, 2010
The man who once pitched an ALCS game with a bloody sock will now become ESPN’s newest Baseball Tonight analyst, as former major-leaguer pitcher Curt Schilling will make his network debut tonight with pre-game coverage of the 2010 season opener between the Red Sox & Yankees.
Schilling hasn’t announced it yet on his official blogsite (, but will also contribute to as well as ESPN’s main website.
Curt remains the only pitcher in Major League history to win a World Series game in three different decades & also has a career postseason record of 11-2, which is a record among pitchers with at least 10 decisions.
He pitched 20 years in the Majors with a career record of 216 wins & 146 losses, while being part of three World Series-winning teams (2001 Diamondbacks, 2004 Red Sox & 2007 Red Sox).