Bully from Harry Potter Arrested for Growing Weed
Written by DJ Special Blend from Chicago on July 17, 2009
The cat that plays Vincent Crabbe in the Harry Potter flicks was arrested and charged with growing that green stuff at his mom’s crib.
Jamie Waylett, 19, who has played school bully Vincent Crabbe in all the films about the boy wizard, had been arrested with a friend after he took a photo of police as the pair drove past officers.
I read this one straight from Yahoo News, and every time I read that sentence, I have to go back and read it again. Them shits sounds like dude and his boy did a drive-by photo shoot with five-oh.
Why? I have no clue why they where driving around taking pictures of cops, especially since Waylett and his boy were dirty.
When police searched his friend’s black Audi they found a number of bags of cannabis.
Meanwhile, they then went back to search his crib, and found that he had a grow-house in his bedroom.
Ten cannabis plants were later discovered at the home of Waylett’s mother in Kilburn, northwest London.
Both of the goofies are out on bail, but they are facing serious time. I guess a permanent role in a very successful film series wasn’t enough for this dude.
I wanna talk about his mother for letting him do it, but I guess she ain’t trip since dude has been bringing home a consistent check for years.
Never ever grow and distribute weed. Just grow and smoke it