Kanye West in Bisexual Porn
Written by DJ Special Blend from Chicago on February 18, 2009
Best Week Ever recently published their five signs that Kanye West wants to do Bisexual porn, and it was funny as fucking hell.
They posted this recent picture of “Kanye to the”, and gave five reasons they feel that Kanye Wants to do Bisexual porn:
1. His crushed velvet smoking jacket. Snuff said.
2. His gloved hand clutching his jacket ever so gently. That hand almost looks like it belongs to someone else (namely, a lady.) It reminds us of that old “Whose Line Is It Anyway” game, .
3. His facial hair says “vagina”, while his scowl says “I might like to do it to a man.”
4. His other gloved hand caressing an invisi-peen. Don’t let his otherwise cocky persona fool you into believing he suffers from some sort of Napoleonic complex. We believe he’s packing.
5. It’s very clear that that man behind him would gladly co-star. Under those shades lies a yearning. A desire that might one day be met
I’m still laughing at the first five reasons from the other day and they have just added a sixth today…
And that’s his appearance on Details magazine:
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The Go-To-Man Mattie T. On February 21, 2009 at 4:11 pm
I’m gonna borrow a quote from Skillz to address this issue…
“You lookin’ suspect ‘Ye, button up that shirt!”