New MixShow 72 episode 321 Chicago House Music Mix – MP3 Download
Written by DJ Special Blend from Chicago on December 16, 2007
The digital media in this post has been disabled to protect the rights of the artists and record companies. spins unsigned and independent artist.
I can not count how many times my peeps have asked for a House Mix. Some have even challenged my “Chicagoness” if you will, especially being someone who graduate from Grammar school in the mid-eighties.
So… since Power 92 is putting on this House Music Jam that will showcase like a million DJ’s, producers and performers that help create House music, I figured there is no better time than the present to drop a House mix. Peep the pic of one of the originals… known to use as Farley—–>
To the Hip-Hop fans that come to this feed to check out Chicago Hip-Hop on the regular… this may not be the mix for you. Here’s the test:
The Power House, Medusa’a, AKA’s, Farley, Jesse Saunders, The Bismark, WBMX, Ron Hardy, Igloo’s…
If you can look at this list and add another five people, places or things to it easily then please by all means… click through!!!